Why do some people display huge Conferderate flags in the backs of their pickup trucks?
|Question by sunny-d alright!: Why do some people display huge Conferderate flags in the backs of their pickup trucks?
It seems like this is blatant racism. I’ve heard the excuse that people are just trying to show “support” for their “family history”, but I don’t buy that. Especially when I see people with HUGE full sized flags. This is the United States. Not the Confederate States.
To those of you telling me that it’s not a symbol of racism: Just like someone else answered, it is a symbol of that period of racism and the country that was defending it. I don’t care what ELSE they were fighting for. They fought for racism. It’s comparable to the swastika. Yes, it’s a religious symbol, and originally was not a bad symbol. But if you had roots in those religions… or, more extremely, if you had roots in Germany, would you waive your Swastika flags high and proud behind your truck?
Best answer:
Answer by Rene
They are racists! I don’t care what excuse they give… it’s plain and simple racism.
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