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The Greatest Escape Youve Never Heard Of, From New author Alton Myers

DEFIANCE, Ohio (PRWEB) April 11, 2013

As any historian or genealogist can attest, sometimes the most forgotten chapter of the past are the most fascinating. Its one of those lost chapters that provided the inspiration for author Alton Myers to pick up a pen and write.

Inspired by his family history and a largely forgotten time in European history, Myers brings readers his debut novel Calico Dance: Escape to Sweden, a gripping historical fiction based on the events of the Thirty Years War in seventeenth century Germany.

Though the story follows a fictional familys challenging and oftentimes terrifying journey from Germany to Sweden in search of peace and a better life, Calico Dance offers readers lessons relevant and essential to life today.

Calico Dance is first and foremost a book about a fascinating period of history, says Myers, who began writing Calico Dance after research into his own genealogy revealed ancestors affected by the turmoil of 17th century Germany. But its also a story about family about the importance of sticking together, about seeking a better life and a better future. I think thats something we can all relate to.

For more information, visit

Calico Dance

By Alton Myers

ISBN: 978-1-4134-0922-2

Softcover, retail price: $ 19.99

Hardcover, retail price: $ 29.99

E-book price: $ 9.99

About the author

Alton J. Myers is a native of Ohio, born and raised on a farm. He first became a high school science and mathematics teacher after graduating from The Defiance College. During this time, he earned a Master of Arts degree from Bowling Green State University, also in the field of science and mathematics. Additional studies took him to the University of Detroit and eventually back to Bowling Green State.

After thirteen years of high school teaching, Myers began the journey to become a Presbyterian minister. He received a Master of Divinity degree from the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in 1975, and was pastor of three different Presbyterian churches in Ohio, Indiana and Illinois over a 21-year career.

During his time as a minister, Myers became interested in the Thirty Years War, the time of the Counter-Reformation. As he learned of this important time in European history, he discovered he had Swedish ancestors himself, stirring interest in how this ancestry may have come about. Myers found that a number of German families migrated to Sweden during the turmoil of 17th century Germany.

Inspired by his research, Myers retired early to begin writing Calico Dance in 1997.

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