Social Security Death Index ( SSDI)
|What is it? Containing around 94 million names and vital information of mainly deceased Americans, the SSDI is an extremely large and important data base, especially for geneology enthusiasts.
What sort of details are kept? For information to be archived in the SSDI, a death needs to have been reported, or, for example, a surviving relative may have contacted the Social Security Administration (SSA) seeking to stop the Social Security Benefits (SSB) of a parent.
Social Security Death Records (SSDR) contain the following data on a deceased person:
- Last name
- First name
- Date of Birth
- Date of Death
- Where the last SSB was sent
- State of residence
- Where the SSN was issued
- Last known address
A Search Tip: When doing a search in the SSDI, do not include the middle initial. Middle names were not indexed. Use first and last names only.
What period is covered by these records? Most of the birth dates recorded are from the early decades of the last century: 1900 to 1930 Death dates are mainly from the period 1962 to 1988. It was in the early 1960’s that the SSA commenced using computer technology to store and archive vital records.
Although there are birth dates as far back as the 1850’s (about 1856), and death dates prior to the 1960’s, not all earlier data has been included in the current SSDI.
A SSDI Search Tip: Use maiden names when searching for females.
SSDI is a valuable genealogy tool. The SSDI can assist your geneology research by providing data that will help you locate birth certificates and death certificates. By providing the names of parents, a female’s maiden name, people’s places of residence and their occupation, it may also assist in the search for marriage certificates and other vital records.
A SSDI Search Tip: Start your search on the SSDI with just a few facts. This facility allows you to search on any combination of data. A last name and known possible birth period may do for starters? If the results are very large, then add additional data and search again.
Note: There is a very useful feature, “Soundex Search” which assists where names may have been misspelled.
Greg Willilams Born in Texas or Minnesota on December 1958
Could be living in California Might be deceased Looking for him for a trust fund allocation
Eric Duvon Brook DOB 4/1/64 Born in Maryland
Last know to be in SaraSota, FL 216-76-3745
Mother has not heard from him in 4 months. Talked every month and nothing at all. Please help.
date of death
Cornelia Stanford; Husband Joseph Perry Jewett.Born Oct 13, 1840 in Ohio. Died after 1910. Last known in Merrick County, Nebraska in 1880.
i had always heard that my greatgrandparents died together in some kind of accident when my grandmother was a little girl leaving her to be raised by another family named greatgrandparents names were joseph king rogers and his wife julia feriera{maiden name} a cencus stated that they lived in barnstable ma. in 1900 my grandmother{annie rogers} would have been four years old in that year.joseph king rogers was born i think about 1863 in ma. julia his wife was born in pico western islands off the coast of portugal maybe around the same grandmother{annie} was born in provincetowm ma. in 1896. some other information i know is that joseph was a mariner and josephs fathers name was joaquin. knowing the date and place where joseph and julia died would solve a big question mark for my family…….thanks, richard!
I am looking for information on Terry Mignognia believed to have deceased in December of 1987
I am looking for information on a Judy Ainsworth – birthday 02-04-1945. I believe she was born in New York area or Washington DC area. She had a twin brother by the name of Walter Furman Ainsworth. She committed suicide, but the year in which she was deceased or the place she had resided at the time of death is not known. She had also lived in Oklahoma and was married. Married name is unknown.
If information is available or a surviving family member is known, I would very much like to be contacted.
Thank you for any information you may be able to provide.
Maxie Weaver
My Aunt (Victoria Helen Baumayr-Stringer) died in the late summer 2006 in Scottsdale, Arizona. While we were trying to locate my Dad (Alfred E. Stringer Jr.) my Mom got a letter from Social Security that he too had died.
Words had been spoken and feelings were hurt, and although it is too late for appologies and explainations, we would like to visit his gravesite or at a mimimum get the details on when and how he died. Was it in an accident or peacefully in his sleep. Or (hopefully not) was it due to some genetic disease. Other blood relatives have died from heart attack and have suffered Alztimers. One sister is diabetic. And two sisters and two aunts suffered mental problems. One sister is currently a ward of the state of Illinois and one sister receives aid from the state of Idaho.
Previously, Dad lived near Harvard, Illinois, but after an argument a few years ago, he got mad at everyone and relocated (we believe) to Elkhorn, Wisconsin. I can furnish his brithdate, his SSN, military data, and jobs worked. How would I go about getting some details on my father’s death?
A. E. Stringer III
3619 W. Crain Street
Skokie, IL 60076
i am trying to find a sandra chittenden stephens daughter of marvin l and evelyn stephens she was born february 15, 1947………..if anyone knows her please contact me at thank you very much
I think Clay is living in Chicora Pa. He is approx. 70 years old.
This is a reply to Richard Cassoboon.
Joseph King Rogers and his wife, Julia, did not die together. She died in 1907 in Boston. He died in 1949 in Cambridge. They were my great-great grandparents. I have also been looking for information on YOUR family. If you ever see this reply, please contact me.
A. E. Stringer- you will need to locate where he died in order to attempt to get medical records. Not sure how that works with HIPPA these days, but your on the right track from what I found with the WI info.
A friend of mine named Janie Muckler died last week in Florida, can’t find an obit or her daughter to find out what had happened. She had been bedfast for quite some time.
Just want to know when Jane died and how. A dear friend