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Selecting the Best Treatment Options for Teen Acne

NY, NY (PRWEB) March 03, 2012

While there have been big advances in the way we treat teenage acne in the past few years, there is no single approach that works for every patient. For the best results, dermatologists need to match the treatment to the teen. According to Dr. Valerie Goldburt, a leading expert on teen acne and dermatologist at Advanced Dermatology and its Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery, theres more to finding the best treatment than just examining the patients pimples: If you want to see results, you need to consider a teens active lifestyle, she says. Despite the fact that todays therapies can effectively treat the problem, patient compliance is often as important as the therapies themselves.

Acne often causes serious social, emotional, and psychological problems, she adds, and its symptoms can vary dramatically with age, heredity, habits, and beliefs. Lots of teens have misconceptions about the causes of acne and unrealistic treatment expectations. They often have trouble incorporating the treatment into their daily lives or sticking with it long-term after they start to see results. Doctors and patients need to discuss the patients lifestyle, family history, and habitsas well as his or her expectationsand then decide together which medicines are best, she explains.

Acne Explained

Although acne is hardly something newthe ancient Greeks and Egyptians were battling pimples, and practically every teenager today has themthe exact cause of acne remains unknown, Dr. Goldburt says. It is caused by several related factors, including the rise in male sex hormones that occurs in all adolescents, which sends the sebaceous (oil) glands into overdrive. Another important factor is heredity: Most pimply teens have one (or two) parents with their own history of acne. There are also several other factors that are typical for most teens: Psychological stress, cosmetics (too much or inappropriate makeup), pressure from a sports helmet or uniform, exposure to oil in the air (think of the fry vats at most fast-food places), and overly zealous scrubbing. Additionally, there is new evidence that suggests processed foods with a high glycemic index may promote break outs. Dairy foods have also been implicated as a cause of acne but further research to confirm this preliminary finding is required.

Treatment Options for Teens

Dermatologists most often recommend topical medications for teens with acne. The most common nonprescription options are benzoyl peroxide, mild acids like salicylic acid, and sulfur-based products. Prescription-strength topical medications include topical antibiotics, sulfer based products and retinoids (derivatives of Vitamin A) such as tretinoin (Retin-A), adapalene (Differin), and tazarotene (Tazorac). All of these medicines are available as gels, lotions, creams, soaps, liquids, and pads. They require compliance, meaning the teen needs to be consistent in using them. Dr. Goldburt says, I always ask teenagers, if I prescribe a topical medicine, will you use it? Half the time, the answer is no. She believes that, especially among the young male population, there is a stigma associated with cream use. Liquid soaps are sometimes a better topical choice, because the soaps can be used in the shower, where there is already an activity (the shower) in progress.

Additionally, many a teen has heard their dermatologist tell them that sometimes things get worse before they get better. Thats because the medications speed up the life cycle of all the pimples, including the little baby pimples that would have taken a lot longer to come to a head without medicine. Also, topical acne medicines can easily be over-used, especially by teenagers who follow the more-is-better mantra, because they are often desperate to get an instant clear complexion. Most acne medications need to be used in small amounts so this approach can cause side effects like dryness, irritation, burning, or redness. This will force patients to stop using the medications before theyve had a chance to work. Some medications may interact with the sun. Dr. Goldburt says the dermatologist needs to talk with the patient about ways to minimize and manage the side effects.

Stronger options include prescription oral medications: antibiotics, isotretinoin (Sotret, Claravis, Amnesteem, formerly sold as Accutane), and hormonal therapy (birth control pills and spironolactone). These pills could interact with medication or birth control pills, so care must be taken. As with any pill, these drugs need to be taken as prescribed, meaning a teen whos less-than-perfect at sticking to a schedule may not do very well on them. However, many teenagers prefer pills to creams, since there is a perception that they are easier to use. Frequently, the teen who wont use topical medications will be extremely compliant with oral medicines. Occasionally, Dr. Goldburt comes across a teen who hasnt learned how to swallow pills. Most pills are smaller than the bites we take out of food, so theres definitely a psychological barrier. You can get practice with tic tacs, and once you swallow those little pills, you realize the other pills are only slightly bigger and go down easily with some water. She recommends teenagers discuss how to take pills properly with their dermatologist.

In addition, dermatologists can use in-office procedures such as laser or light therapy, acne surgery and corticosteroid injections for large or painful pimples and to permanently fix the acne scarring. These procedures dont require compliance (with the exception of making it to the appointments), and as a result are usually a good option for teen patients.

In many cases, adolescent acne goes hand-in-hand with psychological issues, says Dr. Goldburt. Research shows that psychological stress can definitely exacerbate acne, and numerous other studies have shown that having acne can create or worsen depression and social anxiety. Whichever way you look at it, she says, being depressed or anxious can significantly affect your compliance with a treatment plan. It might be better to bite the bullet and pull out the big guns to treat acne in these patients, she explains. The stronger medicines can lead to more dramatic results, which create big improvements in the patients emotional well-being and complexion.

About Dr. Goldburt: Valerie Goldburt, MD, PhD, graduated Harvard University with honors. She continued to pursue her interest in science and medicine at Columbia University, where she earned a masters degree studying the effects of ultraviolet light on cancer proteins, and then at Downstate Medical Center, where she completed her PhD in microbiology and immunology, and received her MD. Dr. Goldburt completed a dermatology residency. Dr. Goldburt is board-certified in dermatology and a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology. She is an authority on dermatology, with expertise in cosmetic and surgical procedures. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU Langone Medical Center and practices with Advanced Dermatology, P.C., Center for Laser and Cosmetic Surgery,


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