Question about geneology. I would like to know my and my families geneology can anyone help?
|Question by lucas: Question about geneology. I would like to know my and my families geneology can anyone help?
I would like to know if there is a free geneology sire were I cantype in my namea a few bits of information and have it generate my family tree going back based on records. Can anyone help? Thanks. God bless.
Best answer:
Answer by Achelios
unless someone in your family has already done the work of creating a family tree, then even with paid services that give you access to records it will take lots of effort & time to create your family tree
if you are trying to do this for a school project (like I had to do in 9th grade & so did my son when he was in 9th grade) your best & fastest resource is to contact family members
my mom paid for memberships to various services… it took her 3 years, working on it at least 0 hours every week, to construct her family tree going back beyond her grandparents (her parents & their parents had long since passed away)
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