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Q & A: What is the best and cheapest way to explore your genealogy on the computer?

question of dsrspring : What is the best and cheapest way to explore your genealogy on the computer
I’ve always been interested in my family genealogy, but have no idea where to start. My maiden name is very unusual, and my father really do not know much about his family, so I’d like to know where we come from Best answer:.

response of standard D
You can start with you consider that many of the facts on this site are unconfirmed so it is very important to focus on the source of the website for each record they mention consider given. If it is a historical document, it will say so. If it or anything other than a census record or a church record “by a member of the Church presented”, you can use it to try to find a historical record in this area (ie go on and near the bottom of the page there is a link location that you find a message board for each county or country in the world – you go to the board and ask if anyone for a record to the information that you match have) look kann.Rootsweb also has a message board area for certain family name. If you can find a message board for your family name, you can POST requests for help there.

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