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Family History Captures Essence of Boston Islands

NORTH WEYMOUTH, Mass. (PRWEB) August 25, 2012

Laura Thibodeau Jones family history Generations: 1891-1940 Living on the Islands of Boston Harbor (published by AuthorHouse) is a history of the Boston Harbor Islands and North Weymouth, Mass., which shows the life of not only one family, but how this familys life touches many. The story goes full circle, from present to past to present.

Generations documents the life of August Reekast from Prussia, Christina (McKinnon) Reekast from Nova Scotia, and three generations of lives living on Calf, Outer, Middle and Great Brewster Islands in the Boston Harbor from 1891 to the 1940s.

An excerpt from Generations:

Grandmother would talk about the island saying it was a hard life for the adults, but as a child growing up; it was a time one could never replace or understand in any story told. She told me how her father would row to Boston every week to trade his lobsters / fish for supplies, lard, and milk, vegetables, etc. It sounded like a fun time for my Grandmother, waiting to see just what treat (if any) he would bring back for the children. I never understood the importance of her telling me how her Dad rowed to Boston. Have you ever tried rowing! Have your ever been to the Boston Harbor Islandstry putting a dory in the water.

Generations tells of a family of many generations struggling to live, a family who believed in each other, but most of importantly of God and country.

About the Author

Laura Thibodeau Jones was born on the Fourth of July, and has lived in North Weymouth, Mass., all of her life and is the first generation that did not have to make a living while working and living on the islands of Boston Harbor. She is one of the lucky ones able to enjoy a beautiful summer day fishing off the Brewsters and Calf Islands, knowing all the while this was home to her family. She has been going to and camping on the islands with her husband and family since the early 1990s.

AuthorHouse, an Author Solutions, Inc. self-publishing imprint, is a leading provider of book publishing, marketing, and bookselling services for authors around the globe and offers the industrys only suite of Hollywood book-to-film services. Committed to providing the highest level of customer service, AuthorHouse assigns each author personal publishing and marketing consultants who provide guidance throughout the process. Headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana, AuthorHouse celebrated 15 years of service to authors in Sept. 2011.For more information or to publish a book visit or call 1-888-519-5121. For the latest, follow @authorhouse on Twitter.

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