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DDC Veterinary, a Division of DDC (DNA Diagnostics Center) Now Offers Coat Color DNA Testing for S-Locus

Fairfield, Ohio (PRWEB) February 12, 2013

As part of its Canine DNA Coat Color Testing product line, DDC Veterinary, a division of DDC (DNA Diagnostics Center), one of the largest DNA testing companies in the world, is now offering a DNA test for the S-Locus (DNA marker MITF reference: Schmutz S, TG Berryere and DL Dreger. MITF and white spotting in dogs: a population study. Journal of Heredity 2009, 100(Supl 1):S66-S74). The S-Locus test identifies the gene associated with the color patterns of “Piebald, Parti, or Random White Spotting” in several breeds, including Yorkshire Terriers. For a complete list of color tests, please log onto,

By identifying the color genotype of the parents, clients can more accurately predict the colors of future progeny. Breeders can use DNA testing as a tool to more effectively manage mating patterns and make more informed selection decisions. DNA samples can be collected easily at home using buccal (cheek) swabs provided as part of a free DNA sample collection kit, and dogs can be DNA tested at any age. ????

DDC Veterinary provides the same quality testing and legendary service for those seeking DNA services for animals. We offer low fees, fast turnaround times, and professional and friendly consultation, says Peter Vitulli, President and CEO of DDC. The standard turnaround is 10-business days; however, for an additional nominal fee, the client can garner the result in as little has five days. Vitulli adds, It has always been our mission to provide our clients with the highest quality testing available along with the very best value.

About DDC (DNA Diagnostics Center):

DDC is one of the largest DNA testing companies in the world. Founded 18 years ago, DDC offers comprehensive DNA testing services for paternity and other family relationships, forensics, cell line authentication, and ancestry. DDC receives more than 800,000 consumer calls each year, and performed approximately 500,000 DNA tests in 2012. The Company is known for its groundbreaking technologies, including an exclusive license for the most innovative and accurate non-invasive prenatal paternity test using SNP (single-nucleotide polymorphism) Microarray Technology, which only requires a simple blood draw from the mother and alleged father. DDC’s unique Dual Process ensures all professionally collected DNA samples are independently tested twice producing legal results of unmatched quality and reliability. DDC is recognized through a number of accreditations nationally and internationally achieving perfect ratings in its past 16 inspections including those performed by the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) and the College of American Pathologists (CAP). DDC is also accredited by ACLASS to meet the standards of ISO 17025 and the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Laboratory Accreditation Board International and follows the DNA Advisory Board (DAB) guidelines, which attests to DDC’s superior forensic testing service. For more information: or 1-800-625-0874.

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