Ancestry US
Start Now!The DNA test that tells a more complete story of you.

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My Genetic Ancestry Results Are Here!! WOOT!

Holy crap! What can I say?! Shocker! HAHA To Read About SCRIPPS Translational Institute Again, pay attention to the World-Wide Matching Strategy Tab. Genetic Counseling Watch The Genetic Journey of Man Here on YT http This test required not a mouth swab, but a full on vile of spit! HAHA! It was hilarious as Brad and I went to the hospital where they were obtaining the samples (some were able to send via mail if not able to attend) early in the morning, and it litterally took forever for me to spit as we weren’t aloud to brush our teeth, eat, or drink!! ACK! haha.. The receptacle for the saliva is a large vile with proper filters and solution to preserve the saliva. My situation is/was unique in terms of cost. The cost of Genetic Testing currently is very pricey at k+, however, Brad being part of (scientist there) Scripps Research Institute, we, and some of our family, were able to participate at a cheaper cost and also participate in a study. We will then be continually surveyed about our lifestyle and how we adapt/change it based on knowledge of disease risk factors. Risk factors will continually be added as studies come out and add genetic markers attributed to disease. This ancestry testing was just an offshoot done by SCRIPPS. It is a estimation based on 3000 reference individuals who have a proven strong history living in a particular area. These individuals are the genetic keys used worldwide by scientists.

Ancestry US