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Start Now!The DNA test that tells a more complete story of you. Releases Family Tree Maker 2010



That’s right, released its much-anticipated new version of Family Tree Maker yesterday. With enhanced media and integration with’s online tools, it looks to be a huge improvement on the 20-year-old series.

Here are some of the highlights:


  • Family Tree Maker 2010 pulls all photos and attached info from the website in one fell swoop.
  • Users can easily organize photos into slideshows, keepsake books, and other media presentations.
  • Users can "view timelines and interactive maps highlighting events and places in your ancestors’ lives." How cool is that!
  • Family Tree Maker 2010 allows users to map their family history using Microsoft’s new Bing search engine.

At an affordable $39.95,’s Family Tree Maker 2010 is sure to have family history buffs foaming at the mouth (figuratively speaking, of course). I can’t wait to get my hands on this hot software package and give it a spin. If you’ve already used it, tell us how it went. Come on, don’t be stingy…

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