Ancestry US
Start Now!The DNA test that tells a more complete story of you. Offers Up Census Records For Labor Day

Image by dklimke Offers Up Census Records For Labor Day
Provo, Utah-based family history site is hoping that folks with some free time over the Labor Day holiday might spend it on looking up their ancestors, saying it has opened up access to all of its U.S. Census records over the holiday. The …
Read more on bids fall short of expectations: sources
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Bids submitted earlier this month by private equity firms for, the family-history research website, have fallen short of the company's expectations, according to two people familiar with the matter. Buyout firms …
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Study of tribe could help find East Asian skin color genes
This is a challenge, because to find the unidentified mutations, researchers must study a population that includes a blend of original African ancestry and East Asian ancestry, with little European contribution. The Senoi, one of three indigenous …
Read more on Penn State Live

Ancestry US