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Question by I’m on my way: ANCESTRY……………………………………………………….???????
Okay so on my dads side I have Cherokee Indian, I’m about like 1/8. On my moms side I have chickasaw indian BUT I also have brittish. My great great(…..) grandfather was perigrene white, first white child born in the new world. Okay so anyways, I have dark dark almost black hair and i have light brown eyes and tan skin which turns very tan in the summer. Also I am short with high cheekbones. Are my dark hair, light brown eyes and skin ne from my indian ancestry? Also would being short come from brittish or indian? ( Most of the women on my mothers side are short)

Best answer:

Answer by Researcher
Took a dissection of you statement to try an figure out your question. All the things you seem to be asking about hair & eye color, skin tone, and height are all genetics and have nothing to do with Genealogy. To answer both questions yes-most likely, your appearance is a combination of the genetic traits from your Native American and British ancestors. Genealogy is the study of generational direct bloodline relatives.

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