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Mannheim, Germany (PRWEB) March 30, 2012

The zoology website publishes insights into all areas of natural sciences including biology, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, geography, environment and health. Drawing from this pool of scientific disciplines, it publishes articles, reviews and insights on natural sciences topics including those which have recently attained attention. While the Zoology Research Category contains over 36 million references, most of the reviews are included in the Zoology Keyword Category of the online science magazine. The latter category now includes three newly published insights into Brown Recluse, Tyrannosaur and Whale Shark.

The review of Brown Recluse covers the brown recluse spider Loxosceles reclusa whose bite may not be immediately painful, but it can be serious since it bears a potentially deadly hemotoxic venom. Such bites can result in hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, organ damage, and even death. Most fatalities are in children under the age of seven or those with a weak immune system. The review covers symptoms of brown recluse spider bites. Large vessel vasculitis may contribute to the large zones of necrosis seen after some brown recluse spider bites and physicians in non-endemic brown recluse regions are advised to be cautious in implicating brown recluses in idiopathic necrotic wounds. The review also covers an experiment where 24 New Zealand white rabbits were experimentally envenomated by subcutaneous injection with 20 micro-grams of brown recluse spider venom. At this dose, topical nitroglycerin did not prevent skin necrosis, increased inflammation score, and increased serum CPK levels. This may result in delayed diagnosis and treatment. presents a review of Tyrannosaur which is a genus of coelurosaurian theropod dinosaur up to 13 meters in length and four meters in height living between 67 to 65 million years ago. Since it was the largest carnivore in its environment, Tyrannosaurus rex may have likely been an apex predator, preying upon hadrosaurs and ceratopsians. The review covers discoveries of tyrannosaur fossils in the USA. Two tyrannosauroid theropods, one from the mid-Campanian of central Alabama, and the other from the late Maastrichtian of New Jersey, are closer to the base of the tyrannosaur clade than all Late Cretaceous western American taxa. Since the deeper ancestry of tyrannosauroids is almost certainly Asian, these eastern specimens must represent relicts of a pre-Albian, whole-continental population. Other finds include a pachycephalosaur skull dome and osteoderms of a giant crocodilian. Vertebrate remains are significantly more abundant in the late Campanian Kaiparowits Formation. Other discoveries dating back to the Late Cretaceous Western Interior of North America include a new ceratopsid, represented by most of the skull, as well as representative elements from the postcranium. Theropod remains include partial skeletons of at least two taxa, one large-bodied tyrannosaur and one small-bodied maniraptoran.

The review of Whale Shark covers Rhincodon typus which is a slow-moving filter feeding shark and the largest extant fish species. It had a length of over twelve meters and a weight of more than 21 tonnes. The review covers a study which established a link between the abundance of aggregating whale sharks and the physical and biological oceanography of the region, with greater whale shark numbers in La Nina years. The authors utilized records of whale shark abundance collected at Ningaloo Reef. Measures of whale shark abundance were moderately correlated with the Southern Oscillation Index and weakly correlated with coastal sea level, an index of the strength of the Leeuwin Current, and sea surface temperature. Abundances of whale sharks were also correlated with fluctuations in the Southern Oscillation Index. Another study on seasonality, distribution, and aggregations of whale sharks in the northern Gulf of Mexico revealed no statistical difference in the sightings per unit of effort of whale sharks between the eastern and western continental slope waters of the Gulf of Mexico. In the continental slope waters of the eastern Gulf of Mexico, whale sharks were more abundant during the summer than in the winter.

The Science Magazine was launched in November 1998 as the online version of the French science magazine “Eur?ka – Le magazine des sciences” published since 1995. During the past decade, it has emerged as a comprehensive aggregator of information on biology, on the applied life sciences agriculture, horticulture and forestry, on the earth sciences, on the environmental sciences, and on the health sciences.

The Science Magazine has recently been accredited by the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology with the Internet Content Provider (ICP) Number 10204677. The site delivers its content through a number of RSS feeds including an “Most Shared Content” RSS Feed, an “Life Traffic Feed”, and an @EurekaMag Twitter account. The @EurekaMag Twitter account currently features 50,450 tweets and 1,039 followers. The site also provides an portal for mobile viewing at accepts advertisements through the Google AdWords system.


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