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Flowers Medical Group Opens Exciting New Anti-Aging Practice in Atlanta, with Functional Medicine Philosophy

Atlanta, Georgia (PRWEB) February 02, 2012

Aging is inevitable, but youthful aging is a choice. The Center for Anti-Aging and Metabolic Medicine is the gateway to next-generation medical science, a comprehensive, evidenced-based approach to managing the aging process.

Flowers Medical Group is a specialty practice where patients benefit from advances in breakthrough medical wellness therapies such as bioidentical hormone replacement. Each patient receives a customized program based on their individual lab results.

The Center for Anti-Aging and Metabolic Medicine keeps your health on course through a patient-centered approach, tracking progress, reviewing specialized test results, discussing examinations and determining adjustments to your personal program along the way.

Leading the group is Dr. Lynn Flowers, MD. We do thorough research with the patient to really understand and develop the appropriate approach for them considering their physiology and biochemistry, as well as lifestyle and environmental influences. This is a proactive approach to managing health, rather than waiting until someone notices symptoms, Flowers explains.

Research shows this synergistic whole-life approach, commonly referred to as functional medicine, helps individuals restore and maintain optimal health so they feel better, live longer, and help prevent disease.

Dr. Flowers continues, Most people understand that diet and exercise are critical to improving their health and feeling better, however what is less well known is that revolutionary medical treatments exist today that can play an enormous role in not only how they feel, but also in disease prevention.

The results can be amazing. Improved cognitive functions, enhanced libido, lean body mass, decreased body fat, better skin tone, improved cholesterol scores, a stronger immune system and healthier bones are all possible, Flowers asserts.

Dr. Lynn Flowers, MD is Board Certified by the American Board of Emergency Medicine and has over twenty years of clinical experience. He has completed the Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Dr. Flowers has additional training in preventive medicine and aerospace medicine with particular focus on optimal functional performance.

Dr. Flowers is assisted by Misty Renee Croft, RN, BSN, also a member of the Fellowship of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine.

Both Flowers and Croft were drawn to the functional medicine philosophy by different experiences in their professional and personal lives.

Dr. Flowers was motivated to pursue this area full-time after reflecting on the age-related diseases of Parkinsons and Alzheimers that afflicted elders in his family. Many of the problems related to aging that people feel are inevitable or unavoidable can be prevented or delayed significantly. The science and treatments are exciting!

Croft also has family history that motivated her to be more proactive in managing her own health, and to help other patients through functional medicine. She explains, I have a genetic predisposition for heart disease and my cholesterol levels as an adult have always been extremely high. I know from personal experience that although diet and exercise are imperative, they are often not enough. Proactively managing my health through the philosophy and techniques of functional medicine practiced at the Flowers Medical Group are vital to my short and long term quality of life.

Learn more about the holistic approach and functional medicine philosophy of the Flowers Medical Group. Some of the services include bioidentical hormone therapy, nutritional and fitness evaluations, and weight management. Visit their website or call today for a free consultation.

More on the credentials for Dr. Flowers —

Dr. Flowers has broad clinical expertise in Emergency Medicine, Urgent Care Medicine, Anti-Aging Medicine, Preventive Medicine, and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.

He has also served as clinical faculty for the US Navy, Eastern Virginia Medical School and for Emory University School of Medicine. He acted as a physician consultant with Cerner Corporation.


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