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What are some good traits for a Family Tree “Pedigree Project”?

Question by Cece: What are some good traits for a Family Tree “Pedigree Project”?
Not including height, hair color, eye color ?
I need examples of ginetic traits. Such as: hair color, eye color etc. But I cant use those.

Best answer:

Answer by Comic Book Reader
Can you clarify this a bit? What do you mean by traits? Physical characteristics?

Or do you mean, qualities or job careers? Some families have trades that are handed down from generation to generation like masons, farmers and butchers.

Or military service?

ADDITION: Ohhh, genetic traits but you can’t use height, hair etc? That makes it tough.

How about right or left handed
are there a lot of twins in the family (my family has TONS of twins and triplets dating back to the 1700’s),
are they tall or short (I come from a long line of very short people.. very short);
do the men have receding hair lines?
Oh and another example is on my mother’s side the women are all very tiny but on my father’s side the women are big (not fat, just tall and well … hefty) they tower over the people.

How about ethnic makeup? Irish, Spanish, etc.

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