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Nothing like a Family Recharge Weekend

Thanksgiving and Black Friday took a toll on our household. After playing flag football, playing a few rounds of basketball, braving the Black Friday crowds, going to other family functions, and so much more, we were just plain wiped out. Add to that our normal routine of school, church, and work, and you have a very exhausted family. In fact, a week later, we were still wiped out. 

So we decided to recharge this weekend. We slept in on Saturday, cleaned up a little around the house, played some video games, and had some mac and cheese for lunch. I found this great, little-known playground online and took the kids to it. It was about six times the size of a normal playground, all crafted from wood into the shapes of castles, rocket ships, volcanoes- basically, everything that little boys love. So we played there for at least 2 hours. Then we went home for some hot cocoa. 

The rest of the day was hot cocoa, movies, and popcorn. On Sunday, we hung out in the morning, went to church, and then came home to watch Christmas movies. 

In short, it was the perfect, vegging, recharging weekend. When I woke up on Monday morning, I could not have been more invigorated. 

So, in this busy holiday season, don’t forget to relax and recharge. Also, don’t forget to do it with your family. You won’t regret it.

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