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Even mediocre family activities can become great memories

Last night I took my wife and kids to this second-rate Halloween maze. I will keep it’s name a secret so as not to harm its business in an already dismal economy. The maze already trampled down and no longer resembled a maze really. It was more of a grid because of all the places where people had cut their own paths through the corn. The so-called scary rides featured dummies with weather-beaten latex masks and Styrofoam spiders. Their 3-D haunted house was actually a black tent with spooky shapes spray painted on its walls- the 3-D glasses were supposed to make them seem spooky. A host of other things made the outing one long exercise in mediocrity.

But halfway through what I thought was a waste of money, I noticed something peculiar. For all the crappy displays of Halloween spookiness, my kids were beaming, smiles stretched from ear to ear. I realized that this visit to a mediocre corn maze was probably going to secure a place in their memory as a pretty fun time with their family. 
So I sat back and just let the good times roll. Our mission in going there was to do something fun, and our kids were having a good time. Mission accomplished. So I ran and jumped with them. I screamed in mock horror at the Styrofoam spiders. By the end, I ended up having a pretty fun time, I must admit.
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