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Pioneers and Examples

What effect does your ancestry have on the way you approach life? Does it make you want to push past obstacles and be your very best self? Or does it make you inclined to take the path of least resistance? Our family history can be an inspiration- our ancestors set a high bar for us and we feel inclined and able to follow suit. Mediocre achievements by our forebears, however, can make us: 1) feel justified in being mediocre; 2) eager to overcome the vicious cycle of mediocrity; or 3) cast off our heritage altogether in favor of reinventing ourselves.

I live in an area with a rich pioneer heritage. Most of my neighbors are the descendants of Mormon pioneers who, forced from their homes by mobs, crossed the Great Plains on foot over thousands of miles of brush, rocks, and ice to settle in what is now Utah. Their march was an act of faith and determination, and their legacy feeds the faith of their descendants today. When they encounter modern-day problems, they are quick to apply their ancestors’ examples.

I, on the other hand, am descended from other pioneers. My ancestors left lush, green Hawaii to come to Utah from the other direction to help build the magnificent temple that now sits in Salt Lake City. They settled in and scraped a living out of one of the most arid, unforgiving pieces of land I’ve ever seen. Like the other pioneers, they did it for faith and because of their belief in a greater purpose. I must say their choices, their grit and determination, and their faith influence the choices I make today.

Here in America, most of us come from pioneer, pilgrim, or immigrant stock. Their stories are our foundation. How does your ancestors’ story influence who you are and the choices you make?

Ancestry US