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Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana

Some cool Genealogy images:

Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne, Indiana
Image by amyc500 (FamilyTrees)
Miles and miles and miles of books in the Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library, Fort Wayne.

Waymarked as WM22PK in the Libraries category.

Genealogy materal to be entered in my FamilyTree
Image by Viewoftheworld
Last December my mother got me into Genealogy. She was having trouble organizing it all. I agreed to help. So she started collecting information and giving it to me. So far this is what she’s sent I’ve not entered. Entered is 17 generations, 183 surnames, 252 marriages, all made up of 1.054 people.

I’ve learned you never get caught up in Genealogy there’s always a full to-do bin or two or three or four…

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