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3 Things Families Should Be Thankful For

Okay. Just to set the record straight, before November contained a holiday dedicated to turkeys, the New York City Rockettes, and football, there was this thing called Thanksgiving. The point of this holiday- no kidding- was to give thanks for all of the blessings we have. 

Now, maybe giving thanks is outdated. Maybe it’s just not sexy enough for the advertisers. I mean, after all, if you are thankful for what you have, how can they make you lust after all their new products? Maybe. But I’m one person who still believes in giving thanks for what I have. And family is one place where I think we should all be especially grateful.
To get you in the mood for Thanksgiving (not Turkey Day), here are 3 things families should be thankful for:
1. Time together – You’ve probably noticed that things are getting busier. With unemployment still growing and the cost of living still rising, parents are finding it harder to find time to spend together. Be grateful for the time you do have together and make the most of it. It doesn’t last forever.
2. Love and support – True friendship and unconditional love are hard to come by. If your family members, even with all their flaws, have been there for you during hard times or good times, be grateful for them.
3. Shared heritage – There’s something special about knowing there is a group of people out there who have the same genetic information as you, the same parents, grandparents, the same features, the same weaknesses, the same strengths. You can’t find that kind of relationship anywhere else.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! I hope this post helps you reflect more on things you’ve been blessed with and less on, say, football or cranberry sauce.


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